Movie review score
and in this computer game it did just that, with a significant lack of official Babylon 5 Video games this one makes up for it perfectly.
The Babylon Project is a standalone Total Conversion of Freespace II the actual game itself comes with two campaigns. one outlining the final days of the Earth-Minbari War.
the other called Raider Wars. highlights the EarthForce's campaign against the Raider Pirates. the first mission of Raider Wars is a recreation of the first Babylon 5 Episode "Midnight on the Firing line." and includes a wonderful cut scene of the Narn Attack on the Centauri World, Ragesh 3.
you are able to fly many fighter craft, such as the Aurora, Badger, and Thunderbolt Class Starfuries. the Raider Zypher 109 Deltawing.
and i'm told the Narn Frazi, the Centauri Sentri, possibly others.
the best part of this Game is most likely the loyal fan group that have produced there own Mods to the game, new campaigns, such as a war between Earth and the Brakiri, and a single mission of the First contact with the Narn.
the game is extremely expansive, and has enough to keep everyone interested.