Movie review score

Think you have what it takes to command a battalion of AT-ATs' Or to defend the Rebel
stronghold at Hoth? Prove it in Star Wars: Force Commander, a real-time strategy game
from LucasArts. You'll lead both the Empire's monolithic military might and the
ragtag-yet-resourceful Rebels. Keep your war machine humming in single- and multiplayer
modes. The ultrarealistic 3D terrain and vehicles give you the power to guide your
troops to victory. This is war. This is Force Cond hitherto unprecedented power.
stronghold at Hoth? Prove it in Star Wars: Force Commander, a real-time strategy game
from LucasArts. You'll lead both the Empire's monolithic military might and the
ragtag-yet-resourceful Rebels. Keep your war machine humming in single- and multiplayer
modes. The ultrarealistic 3D terrain and vehicles give you the power to guide your
troops to victory. This is war. This is Force Cond hitherto unprecedented power.