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Egypt,1939 Fritz Braun, leader of an German Special researchunit discoverson one of his excavations a mysterious material fromwhich, accordingto tradition an incredible amount of energy can beextracted.Immediately, the mysterious material is transported toGermany, wherehe possibilities employment as military weapon is testedin secretunderground experimental plants.[center]Even thoughthe research iskept strictly secrecy, the Americans learn of the Germanplans and sendtheir best secret service agent Mike Baker to Germanywith the order toobtain information, to capture the leader of theresearch Fritz Braunand to destroy the experimental plants. In themiddle of the ragingwar, Mike Baker hat to search for hints for thesecret location of thetesting labs. Finally, he receives informationwhich are leading him toa mysterious castle in south Germany: TheWolfsburg ! On his arrival,he has to notice that of the Germans havelost control of theirexcavations and are threatening lead to horribledisasters. Will MikeBaker succeed in destroying the undergroundexperimental plantstogether with their terrible monstrous inventions?