Movie review score

Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 is an add-on pack for the flight simulator game Lock On:Modern Air Combat (LOMAC).
The original game is getting on for eight years old, but Flaming Cliffs 2 gives it a significant new lease of life. You'll need a copy of LOMAC installed, but you can buy this for just £12 at the same time you don't have it already.
There are eight aircraft included: two American and six Russian. The A-10A Warthog ground attack and F-15 fighter make up the American side. The Russian ground attack aircraft are the Su-25 Frogfoot and the Su-25T Improved Frogfoot. The fighters are the MiG-29A, MiG-29C, Su-27 and Su-33.
The MiG-29C and Su-25T are completely new aircraft with some important differences. The avionics in the latter have been greatly improved so the Head-up Display (HUD) now has lots of useful information compared to the rather basic crosshairs in the Su-25. It also has some new weapons and a TV-based targeting system.
A new Western Caucasus region for missions is also included - anyone who has played the same maker's DCS: Black Shark will find this region familiar. An exciting prospect is that multiplayer games are compatible between the two flight simulators.
The starting screens have been completely redesigned and share a common design with Black Shark while Flaming Cliffs 2's graphics are very good and much improved over LOMAC.