Movie review score

creatures. Creatures are giant animals that serve as your physical link to the mortal world,
and they have a sophisticated artificial intelligence that lets players teach them how to act.
In the beginning, there's only a cow, ape, and tiger from which to pick, but the choices
expand as the game progresses. And for a limited time, customers can
download a bonus creature--a magnificent horse. Click here for details.
Ultimately, creatures grow, and their appearance gradually changes to reflect both their
tendency toward good or evil and the treatment they've received from the player. Deny the
animal access to food and it will lose weight. Pet it each time it eats a villager and you'll soon
have an evil juggernaut that strikes fear into people's hearts. Most of the game's fun comes
from spending time teaching your creature and simply watching the crazy things it does of its
own volition. Best of all, players and creatures don't have to have the same alignment,
making it possible to be an evil god with a glowing, beloved, benevolent creature. It all
depends on why you choose to reward or punish the creature.
Unfortunately, Black & White tries to be too many things at once, and there is rarely any real
focus. It's difficult to enjoy training a creature when villages need protecting, villagers need
direction, and buildings need to be built in order to expand the player's influence and
ultimately win each level. It wouldn't be so bad if the villagers were half as smart as the
game's creatures, but they require a lot of micromanagement to work efficiently. The single-
player campaign gives players plenty of time in each mission to overcome these
shortcomings, but prepare to spend many long hours administrating your holdings for every
hour of pure joy that Black & White is capable of providing.